Featured stories

Christmas in the City

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  It is that time! That time of the year when we wish one another merry-filled experiences has come. And soon, every other greeting will be versed as thus: “Happy New Year!” For many, our idea of fun and merry … Continued

The Runner’s Chronicle.

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It’s about 4pm in the evening, the sun is covered partly by ominous clouds still hanging around from the previous day’s heavy pour. Running is not an easy task especially when it’s quite a distance involved, I honestly don’t always … Continued

Serena Beach Resort & Spa, Mombasa and Sweetwaters Serena Camp, Nanyuki Win at the Kenya Ecowarrior Awards

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Serena Hotels is pleased to announce that Serena Beach Resort & Spa (SBRS) located in Mombasa, Kenya won the “Best Eco-Rated Facility of 2016 – Hotel” Award and Sweetwaters Serena Camp took the first runner up position under the “Best … Continued