A Life-time Spectacle is Coming …….. Meteor Shower at Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge

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What is a Meteor Shower?


A Family star gazing at the Mara Serena Safari Lodge

A ‘shooting star’ is actually not a star, but a small piece of rock or dust that hits the Earth’s atmosphere from space. It moves so fast that it heats up and glows as it moves through the atmosphere. Astronomers call shooting stars ‘meteors’. From the 11th – 15th of December we will be able to see a great number of shooting stars. The reason we see so many shooting stars at this time is because as the Earth goes around the Sun it sometimes passes through a stream of debris left over by comets and asteroids. At times over 160 of these shooting stars can be seen per hour, and this is what astronomers call a ‘meteor shower’.


This particular shower is called the Geminids, named after Gemini – the constellation in the sky where these meteors appear to come from, although they can appear in any part of the sky.

Why Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge?
To get to witness a meteor shower it is ideal to have clear dark skies away from light pollution, such as at Amboseli. At Amboseli Serena Safari Lodge, in the Amboseli National Park, built in the distinctive style that celebrates the vibrant colors and culture of the local Maasai community, one is assured of the famous warm Serena hospitality and service. In addition this national park offers the
beautiful view of Mt. Kilimanjaro as the Sun sets and the Moon, stars and planets reveal themselves. The offer includes a bush barbeque.

Why try out this experience?
This is an excellent family experience for both children and parents. The Travelling Telescope Africa Ltd., a professional astronomy company, will be conducting guided tours of the night sky using their 12-inch telescope throughout the period for guests to look through and experience the jewels of the Universe. We will also offer astronomy talks for children & adults during the day in our digital mobile planetarium, a fantastic tool for understanding the night sky.


Planetarium 2
Exterior of the Planetarium


Inside the Planetarium


Photograph of the Moon


Program of activities (on a daily basis)
1. Planetarium shows – 11.00 am to 12.00 noon & 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm
2. Telescope observing
3. The Moon – from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm
4. Planets Uranus and Neptune – from 7.00 pm to midnight
5. Andromeda galaxy – from 7.00 pm
6. Meteor shower – from 9.00 pm best from midnight
7. Orion and Crab Nebulae – from 9.00 pm best at midnight
8.An opportunity to learn how to photograph the Moon and our Milky Way galaxy

Meteor Shower Package:11th – 13th Dec 2015

Serena Cosmos KSH

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