Places to Go: Tanzania for the Best Wildlife Experience

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At the heart of any great safari is the wildlife and nowhere else can you look forward to the best wildlife experience than in Tanzania. Driving into the bushes, finding and observing the varied wildlife of the region is at the core of any Discover Tanzania trip. Led by our extremely knowledgeable and friendly guides, get to see more animals than you ever thought you could and in the process have yourself the trip of a lifetime.

Safari is special; it’s one of those singularly unique activities that you just have to experience firsthand in order to really appreciate. But to give you an idea of the natural experiences there is, here are some of the many exciting moments that you can look forward to at the various Tanzania’s national parks with Serena Hotels.

The Ngorongoro crater

The 12-mile wide Ngorongoro Crater is not your normal national park. Referred to as the real life garden of Eden, the unique conditions in the crater means that a variety of wildlife species get to call this their home year in year out. While there are moments that will always stick with you such as watching lions mate or a kill, a whole day spent at the crater makes for a truly special experience that you need to encounter to really appreciate it. What makes the crater so amazing is the fact that it’s a one stop shop for African wildlife from elephants wandering through the lush forests to the countless zebras and wildebeests to the beautiful flamingos and the more fearsome cape buffaloes, hippos and multiple prides of lions. Enjoy a whole day at the crater with breakfast and lunch served under the acacia groves by Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge 



The Serengeti

The Serengeti National park is huge! Spanning two countries into Kenya as the Masai Mara, the Serengeti can be a little intimidating at first sight due to its size. How are you likely to see anything in such a huge area? But you need not worry as the Serengeti makes for one of the most amazing wildlife sighting and with three Serena properties spread across the Serengeti including Serengeti Serena Safari Lodge, Mbuzi Mawe Serena Camp and Kirawira Serena Camp, you are assured to catch the action no matter which part of the Serengeti you are staying at.




Cleverly located on one of the main annual migration corridors for over one million wildebeest, half a million zebras and gazelles, and their accompanying cast of predators, Mbuzi Mawe Serena Camp is also home to the klipspringer, Mbuzi Mawe in Swahili, and which the Serena property is named after.The klipspringer inhabits places characterised by rocky terrain and sparse vegetation and their yellowish gray to reddish brown coat acts as an efficient camouflage in its rocky habitat.


Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara is famous for its tree climbing lions and this is made obvious by the sign as you are entering the park. But there is more to see at the park. While African parks are characterized by bushes with fledgling trees and lots of grass, Lake Manyara National park is so green and so lush you would confuse it with the amazon. Also while slowly driving through the park, you will spy many monkey families and species making for an entertaining game drive.



Lake Manyara National Park provides the perfect introduction to Tanzania’s birdlife. More than 400 species have been recorded, and even a first-time visitor to Africa might reasonably expect to observe 100 of these in one day. Highlights include thousands of pink-hued flamingos on their perpetual migration, as well as other large waterbirds such as pelicans, cormorants and storks which is uniquely interpreted in the architectural design of Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge. 



The wildlife experience in Tanzania is always special and you can bank on seeing the unexpected but memorable. So go ahead and go on a Tanzanian safari in style from the kaleidoscope of bird life at Lake Manyara, the spectacular Serengeti plains to the jagged rimmed crater at Ngorongoro – the cradle of Humanity.


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