8 Valentines ideas with Serena Hotels

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  1. Spa Twogether

Hit the beach with Serena Beach Resort and Spa in the historical city of Mombasa, the perfect escape to sun-kissed glorious days. Savor the rich delicacies of the Swahili food spiced to tease the tongue or pop in at Jahazi Seafood Grill set in a dhow for mouth-watering seafood.  Later, relax and unwind over a couple’s massage by the beach with Maisha Spa.

018 - Massage on the Beach


  1. Fall in love all over again, with nature and with each other

The perfect Valentine’s Day date is a Boat Safari along the Rufiji River in the Selous – southern Tanzania; it is more than a boat ride, it’s an unforgettable experience. Despite its unique collection of hippo, buffaloes, crocodile and lion, the largest reserve in Africa remains virtually untouched by man. Largely undiscovered, utterly pristine and virtually unvisited, it remains the last wilderness frontier. Take in the panoramic views from the river and look out for the hippos, sunbathing crocodiles, elephants and if you are lucky, you could see a lion come down to the river for a drink.  Cap it all with a sundowner aswatch the sun go down; it’s a great excuse to snuggle with your valentine. See our Valentines package here



  1. Dinner with a view

Splash out on a dinner for two with a view of the city at the pearl of Africa Fine Dining Restaurant at Kampala Serena Hotel. Wind down your Valentine’s Day with a night out at the city of Kampala which is home to an array of cocktail bars and entertainment venues . Check our Valentines offer



  1. Do not disturb please

Sometimes you want to get away from it all and just not leave the room, especially when you have one of the biggest beds in the world all to yourself. On Valentine’s Day, why don’t you and your loved one take a break from the world, laze around in bed and order room service. The Ol Pejeta House serves as a great escape from the hustle of daily life and guarantees some much deserved quality time for the both of you. Cool things down and take a dip at the two private pools when you step out of your room



  1. Horseback Riding: The ultimate Valentine’s Day Date

Saddle up, follow the trail and explore the wild on horseback at Lake Elmenteita Serena Camp. Ride along the shores of the pristine Lake Elmenteita, and take in the pretty picture painted by the white and pink of the Flamingoes and Pelicans so famously found at the lake not to mention the diverse wildlife including buffaloes, water bucks, gazelles and giraffes found at the Soysambu Conservancy. Check out our Valentine’s offer



  1. Spice it up with an exotic getaway

Whisk your partner on an exotic getaway to the spice islands of Zanzibar. Keep it intimate with a walk from Zanzibar Serena Hotel and explore the streets of historical Stone Town. After soaking in the rich history of this island, take a boat ride to the Mangapwani Beach and enjoy a lovey lunch picnic or opt for the fresh seafood BBQ lunch as you lose yourselves to the waves of the ocean and the sun.

Zanzibar Serena Inn 2012-144


  1. Rekindle your love by the Lake

Enjoy a magical stroll along the shores of Lake Kivu and impress your partner with panoramic views of the lake and Virunga Mountains. Later, toast to your love over dinner by the lake with Lake Kivu Serena Hotel at hand to make a special meal just for the two of you.



8. Keep your love active

If an adrenaline charged kind of Valentines holiday is your thing, you will love Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge. From canoeing at the Lake Manyara, to game drives at Lake Manyara National park to bike rides and nature walks at the nearby Mto wa Mbu village, you are assured of an action packed getaway where you get to bond with your special someone. Share your experiences later in the day over dinner for two by the infinity pool as you take in the magnificent views. Located at the edge of the Rift Valley, the views will be sure to take your date’s breath away and make it a memorable one. Get our valentines rates here 



See Lake Manyara Serena Safari Lodge rates on the table below

E.A Resident Rates 

3rd January 2017 to 31st March 2017

Accommodation (Full Board) Double Single suite Supplement
Lake Manyara Serena Safari lodge 320.00 200.00 200.00
Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge 400.00 240.00 200.00
Serengeti Serena Safari Lodge  400.00 240.00 200.00
Mbuzi Mawe Serena Camp 460.00 280.00
Kirawira Serena Camp 500.00 320.00
Lake Duluti Serena Hotel  160.00 125.00
Zanzibar Serena Hotel  290.00 220.00
*All the above Rates are on full board basis except for Zanzibar Serena Hotel and Lake Duluti Serena Hotel (Bed & Breakfast). 


To make reservation or for more information please contact  (+254) 732 123 333

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